Shop Management Software in Sylhet | Point of Sale Management Software |

Shop Management Software

 Best Shop management software in Sylhet  developed by IT Lab Solutions offers you the right tools to maximize your return on investment, operate more efficiently and be more profitable.

Shop Management Software Sylhet

Description of Shop Management Software

Shop management software developed by IT Lab Solutions offers you the right tools to maximize your return on investment, operate more efficiently and be more profitable. We develop Retail Point of Sale Software Systems for the specialty retailer. Our solution’s includes real-time access to Point Of Sale transactions, inventory control, purchasing, inter-store and warehouse to store Real-time stock transfers, cash management and many other functions related to the operation of a successful & efficient retail organization. IT Lab Solution delivers complete turn-key solutions for all of your Point Of Sale Software and Inventory Control needs.

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Main Features:

Shop Management Software “DOKANI”

Main Features:

Distribution System Management Software

We work with a passion of taking challenges and creating new ones in IT sector.

159 Anabil, Dhopadighir Par, Sylhet,Bangladesh
(9am - 05 pm)
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